Blocks Code
Handlebars output method lets you write HTML templates with simple logic using the Handlebars syntax. It's perfect for static content and basic conditional rendering.

Basic Usage
{{#if control_name}}
<div class="message">
Available Helpers
In addition to default Handlebars helpers, Lazy Blocks provides custom helpers for WordPress-specific functionality.
Truncates text to a specified length.
{{truncate control_name 100 "true"}}
Parameter | Description |
String | Text to truncate |
Limit | Character limit |
Dots | Show ellipsis (true/false) |
Compares values for conditional rendering.
{{#compare price ">" 100}}
<span class="premium">Premium Item</span>
Parameter | Description |
First Value | Left side value |
Operator | == , === , != , !== , < , > , <= , >= , && , || |
Second Value | Right side value |
Performs mathematical operations.
<div class="price">
${{math price "*" quantity}}
Parameter | Description |
First Value | Left side value |
Operator | + , - , * , / , % |
Second Value | Right side value |
Formats dates using WordPress localization.
<time datetime="{{control_date}}">
{{date_i18n "F j, Y" control_date}}
Parameter | Description |
Format | Date format (e.g., F j, Y H:i ) |
Date | Date string |
Processes WordPress shortcodes.
{{{do_shortcode "my_shortcode" this}}}
Parameter | Description |
Name | Shortcode name |
Attributes | Use this for all block attributes |
Outputs WordPress image with proper srcset.
{{{wp_get_attachment_image image_control "large"}}}
Parameter | Description |
Image | Image control value |
Size | Image size name (default: thumbnail) |
Adding Custom Helpers
Create your own Handlebars helpers:
function my_custom_handlebars_helper($handlebars) {
$handlebars->registerHelper('format_price', function($price) {
return '$' . number_format($price, 2);
add_action('lzb/handlebars/object', 'my_custom_handlebars_helper');
<div class="price">
{{format_price product_price}}
Use Handlebars when you need simple templates with basic logic. For complex dynamic content, consider using PHP output instead.